• info@vovl.org
  • +92-300-8871196

Disasters Relif

Natural Disasters

Something that happens in nature and causes a lot of damage or kills a lot of people, for example a flood or an earthquake, Natural disaster is an event with a natural, as opposed to human, cause that results in large-scale loss of life or damage to property. Disease epidemics are sometimes considered natural Owing to how badly man has exploited various natural resources, now its nature’s turn to take its revenge. A part of the revenge has been suffered by Pakistan as well. Several natural disasters happened due to climatic conditions in the area. These are floods, droughts, cyclones, dust-storms, earthquake and avalanches. Due to excessive pouring during monsoons, landslides happen in hilly areas which disturb the life to a huge extent in those areas. Some natural disasters result from a combination of natural and human factors. For example, the primary cause of a disease epidemic may be a natural microorganism, but its spread might be encouraged by human behavior and activities, such as living in close proximity to infected animals or rapid international travel. Resultantly people are died and dying because of these disasters in Pakistan. In these time of havoc and complete dejection Voice of Voiceless aiding people sufferd due to natural disasters. We are always available for the people affected from such disasters. But this is a multitasking plan because to help the disaster affectees is not an easy task i.e you have to travel far off places with relief goods and a whole team. Therefore it is our request to help and donate us for this prime cause.


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HELP to THE poor People

our features

Voice of Voiceless Organization is a non-profit, non-governmental and nonpolitical organization established by the group of human rights activist and the human rights defenders to be the voice of the victimized people and the voice of voiceless.,

Giving Food

Making Home

Help to Poor

Feed to World

Supply Water

Church Planting

Sponsors A Child

Sponsoring a child is a very effective way of helping lone children to experience the love of a family and mother. In return you can see the real impact that your support makes. Our child sponsors often get a warm satisfaction of seeing a little girl or boy with nothing; grow up into an independent happy person, thanks to child sponsorship.